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This notebook is a demonstration of a Basic Linear Regression Model using Google Colab.

Regression Modeling in Practice

Week 2: Test a Basic Linear Regression Model

We are now going to test a basic linear regression model.

To answer the question, what is the realtionship between internet use rate and income per person in Asian Countries.

But before we run the model though, we will need to center the mean of the explanatory variable, income per person.

Data Data for this study comes from the Gapminder World Dataset collected by the Gapminder Foundation. The Gapminder World Dataset contains data collected from more than 200 countries/areas for more 500 variables.

Description of Variables Below is the description of the variables

  1. Internet User Rate

    The internet use rate of a country was collected by the World Bank in their World Development Indicators.

  2. Income per Person

    Income per person is simply Gross Domestic Product per capita (the country’s total, country-wide income divided by the population)

  3. Continents (I will use this data to get Asian contries from gapminder)

First, Start with import

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/statsmodels/tools/ FutureWarning: pandas.util.testing is deprecated. Use the functions in the public API at pandas.testing instead.
  import pandas.util.testing as tm

Second, load the data

load gapminder dataset

I will be using url to get the data online

# df as dataframe from gapminder dataset
url = ''
df = pd.read_csv(url)

country incomeperperson alcconsumption armedforcesrate breastcancerper100th co2emissions femaleemployrate hivrate internetuserate lifeexpectancy oilperperson polityscore relectricperperson suicideper100th employrate urbanrate
0 Afghanistan .03 .5696534 26.8 75944000 25.6000003814697 3.65412162280064 48.673 0 6.68438529968262 55.7000007629394 24.04
1 Albania 1914.99655094922 7.29 1.0247361 57.4 223747333.333333 42.0999984741211 44.9899469578783 76.918 9 636.341383366604 7.69932985305786 51.4000015258789 46.72
2 Algeria 2231.99333515006 .69 2.306817 23.5 2932108666.66667 31.7000007629394 .1 12.5000733055148 73.131 .42009452521537 2 590.509814347428 4.8487696647644 50.5 65.22
3 Andorra 21943.3398976022 10.17 81 5.36217880249023 88.92
4 Angola 1381.00426770244 5.57 1.4613288 23.1 248358000 69.4000015258789 2 9.99995388324075 51.093 -2 172.999227388199 14.5546770095825 75.6999969482422 56.7
# df_continent as dataframe for teh continent data set
df_continent = pd.read_csv(url2)
df_continent = df_continent.rename(columns={'Country': 'country'})
Continent country
0 Africa Algeria
1 Africa Angola
2 Africa Benin
3 Africa Botswana
4 Africa Burkina

let's merge the two dataframe df and df_continent

df_outer = pd.merge(df_continent, df, on='country', how='outer')

Continent country incomeperperson alcconsumption armedforcesrate breastcancerper100th co2emissions femaleemployrate hivrate internetuserate lifeexpectancy oilperperson polityscore relectricperperson suicideper100th employrate urbanrate
0 Africa Algeria 2231.99333515006 .69 2.306817 23.5 2932108666.66667 31.7000007629394 .1 12.5000733055148 73.131 .42009452521537 2 590.509814347428 4.8487696647644 50.5 65.22
1 Africa Angola 1381.00426770244 5.57 1.4613288 23.1 248358000 69.4000015258789 2 9.99995388324075 51.093 -2 172.999227388199 14.5546770095825 75.6999969482422 56.7
2 Africa Benin 377.039699461343 2.08 .2233986 28.1 37950000 58.2000007629394 1.2 3.12996180338983 56.081 7 38.2229433578852 6.05773973464966 71.5999984741211 41.2
3 Africa Botswana 4189.43658749046 6.97 1.1319097 33.4 78943333.3333333 38.7000007629394 24.8 5.9998355754858 53.183 8 454.795705303917 11.2139701843262 46 59.58
4 Africa Burkina NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

New DataFrame for Analysis

We create a dataframe sub out from the merge dataframe df_outer to create a dataframe that only contains our needed data

sub = df_outer[['Continent','incomeperperson','internetuserate']].dropna()
Continent incomeperperson internetuserate
0 Africa 2231.99333515006 12.5000733055148
1 Africa 1381.00426770244 9.99995388324075
2 Africa 377.039699461343 3.12996180338983
3 Africa 4189.43658749046 5.9998355754858
5 Africa 115.305995904875 2.10021270579814

Set the variables to numeric

sub['internetuserate'] = sub['internetuserate'].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
sub['incomeperperson'] = sub['incomeperperson'].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

We only need Asian countries so we create another datframe for asian countire we names it sub_asia

# creating New DataFrame For Each Continents
sub_asia=df_clean[(df_clean['Continent']== 'Asia')]
Continent incomeperperson internetuserate
55 Asia 12505.212545 54.992809
56 Asia 558.062877 3.700003
57 Asia 1324.194906 13.598876
58 Asia 17092.460004 49.989975
60 Asia 557.947513 1.259934

Center the explanatory variable;

ie, set the mean of the data to equal zero

data_centered = sub_asia.copy()
data_centered['incomeperperson'] = data_centered['incomeperperson'].subtract(data_centered['incomeperperson'].mean())
print ('Mean of', data_centered[['incomeperperson']].mean())
Mean of incomeperperson    1.162132e-12
dtype: float64

The mean is not exactly 0 due to errors in float representation

Run scatterplot of internetuserate with centered incomeperperson

scat1 = sns.regplot(x="incomeperperson", y="internetuserate", scatter=True, data=data_centered)
plt.xlabel('Income Per Person')
plt.ylabel('Internet Use Rate')
plt.title ('Scatterplot for the Association Between Income Per Person and Internet Use Rate in Asia')

OLS regression model for the association between income per person and internet use rate

reg1 = smf.ols('internetuserate ~ incomeperperson', data=data_centered).fit()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: internetuserate R-squared: 0.755
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.748
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 104.7
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 Prob (F-statistic): 6.43e-12
Time: 19:19:57 Log-Likelihood: -139.81
No. Observations: 36 AIC: 283.6
Df Residuals: 34 BIC: 286.8
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 30.5362 2.017 15.140 0.000 26.437 34.635
incomeperperson 0.0020 0.000 10.234 0.000 0.002 0.002
Omnibus: 1.752 Durbin-Watson: 2.375
Prob(Omnibus): 0.416 Jarque-Bera (JB): 1.619
Skew: 0.481 Prob(JB): 0.445
Kurtosis: 2.606 Cond. No. 1.03e+04

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 1.03e+04. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

Note that the majority of data points are clustered near, but below, 0 with a long tail reaching to the right. This is in agreement with the mean centered at 0 and also indicative that the vast majority of countries have low incomes with a few having very, very high incomes.

The results indicate that income per person is significantly and positively associated with internet use rate in a country according to the equation [internet use rate] = .002 * [income per person] + 30.362. I suspect a linear regression line is not the best fit possible, the curve does appear to be logarithmic in shape; but for the sake of this demonstration a linear line is fine.