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Pearson’s Correlation on Female Employment Rate VS Alcohol Consumption and Female Employment Rate VS Breast Cancer

Data Analysis Tools - Week 3



Data for this study comes from the Gapminder World Dataset collected by the Gapminder Foundation. The Gapminder World Dataset contains data collected from more than 200 countries/areas for more 500 variables.

Description of Variables

Below is the description of the variables

  1. Female Employment Rate (variable code: femaleemployrate, Unit: Percentage) - Employed females (age > 15) as a percentage of the total female population.

  2. breastcancerper100th - breast cancer per 100

  3. alcconsumption - per capita alcohol consumption

    Start with import

load gapminder dataset

data = pd.read_csv('gapminder.csv',low_memory=False)

I will be using url to get the data online

Preparing Data for Graph and Analysis

Female Employment Rate VS Alcohol Consumption

From the result above it shown that there is a low degree of correlation between female employ rate and alcconsumption

Female Employment Rate VS Breast Cancer

From the result above it shown that there is a low degree of correlation between female employ rate and Breast Cancer