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Data Analysis Tools - Week 1
Data for this study comes from the Gapminder World Dataset collected by the Gapminder Foundation. The Gapminder World Dataset contains data collected from more than 200 countries/areas for more 500 variables.
Below is the description of the variables
Female Employment Rate (variable code: femaleemployrate, Unit: Percentage) - Employed females (age > 15) as a percentage of the total female population. Female Employment Rate is the response variable
Start with import
data = pd.read_csv('gapminder.csv',low_memory=False)
I will be using url to get the data online
join the two dataframe
We create a dataframe sub
out from the merge dataframe df_outer
Since our p-value is 0.0455
which is smaller than 0.05
, the data provides significant evidence against the null hypothesis. But, we cannot reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternate hypothesis, right away. To avoid Type I error we need to perform the POST HOC test
From the result above we can only say that there is a significant difference between Africa and Asia’s female employment rate.
For other pair of continents we fail to reject the NULL Hypothesis